Give me a break.

Social media is just a crazy concept when I think back to growing up without it. My generation was introduced to this way of life and we have seen this evolve from the very beginning. The Internet. Technology is improving everyday.

Cell phones became the new pagers. Payphones became extinct.

There’s a hundred thousand ways to stay connected now. ALL THE TIME. 

It’s really overwhelming and exhausting more now than before. Perhaps because I realize how cold and dark the world is and how much hate there really is. It’s astounding really to think there’s that much evil out there.

But this strange need to be in the know, checking in, scrolling away throughout the day. It’s a sick addiction and I need to make major effort to minimize the time I spend online.

Is it serving me or blocking me?

I deleted my FB app recently bc whew…who knew I knew so many haters???

So many exposed this year… it’s hard to accept.

It’s hard to know who’s genuine and real out there. I learn that sometimes people want to keep tabs and know what you’re up to yet they never lift you up. I have learned to stop being so trusting. Why is that so hard for me?

Social media is such a great tool for us in many ways but sometimes, you have to disconnect. You have to clear your mind and block out the negativity.

It’s okay to take a break.

Plus, at the end of the day, let’s be real. No one is really missing my stories or posts. It’s my small creative channel but like this blog, it’s for me and my own mental well being, to release the feelings I carry. To grow stronger by growing back my confidence. And sometimes, that means you have to protect your own energy and capacity for something you really believe in. Anyone feel me?

♥️ #MySelfReminders: You are allowed to grow apart with people who don’t show you a genuine side. You just need some realness.



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